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Understanding Moles

Q: “There are only 5 or 6 mole hills, is it really that big of a deal to catch the mole?”
A: Yes. One mole can create 15-25 mole hills on its own, so it is best to stop the problem before it gets too far. Moles have extensive tunnel networks. As with icebergs where what you see is only a fraction of the true mass, so it is with the mole tunnels in your yard.
Q: “What do moles eat?”
A: Moles mainly eat a variety of grubs, insects, and worms — with worms making up the lion's share. That's why topical lawn treatments for getting rid of moles have little or no effect. They usually don't have an impact on the overall food availability.
Q: “I don’t want to kill the moles, can I just scare them away?”
A: Yes and no. Many of the products touted on the internet for dealing with moles will accomplish this to some extent. That's why some people think they work. Whether you try smoke, ultrasound, bleach, oil, mothballs or whatever, the result is the same. Moles are clever creatures. They seal off the effected tunnels, then carry on their merry way. If you are lucky, they might go to your neighbour's yard for a while!
The truth is, though, that these deterents usually have little or no effect. The moles come back. The only tried and true way to get rid of moles is through the use of good old fashioned traps. Most of our customers started out trying out various other methods. You can, too! Then give us a call ;-)
Q: “When are moles active?
A: Moles are active year round, even in the cold winter months and hot dry summers. Moles tend to rut once per year in the winter, from January to March or so. The resulting offspring reach adult size each spring, and that's why one usually sees much more activity April through June — the young adults are seeking out their own territories. If left unaddressed, this makes for very active summers!
Q: “How long does it take to catch my moles?”
A: ARG Mole Removal is extremely effective and often our clients get results after the very first visit! The entire job, however, whether contract or per mole, will take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This depends on several factors including the extent of the mole infestation and the type of area in which the client's property is located.
Once ARG Mole Removal has begun work, the client has usually seen their last mole mound!
Q: “Can't I just ignore the problem?  Won't the moles just go away? We never used to have them!"
A: Yes and no. Moles move around based on food availability, quality of the soil, and competition. They have the capability to destroy an entire lawn in their search for worms and insects. So, while you can leave them to it, be aware that they might do crazy damage. Also, once a mole's tunnel networks are dug, it is much more likely for another mole to move in.
Q: “Can I get rid of moles myself by pumping an explosive gas into the tunnels and tossing in a lit match?"
A: We do NOT recommend it!  See what happens when this dude tries it:
By the way, we just put that in as a joke — it was not really a "frequently asked question"... LOL!
Q: "My neighbour's yard is untouched, while my lawn is a disaster of molehills! Why me?"
A: Take it as a compliment! Moles look for areas with rich soil full of grubs and worms for food. If you have a mole problem, it's because of the high quality of your yard.
Q: "What's the point in hiring you? Won't the moles simply come back again?"
A: By doing mole control early on, you reap the benefits of a clean, healthy, great looking lawn. The sooner you do it, the fewer tunnels you'll have under your property that might lure other moles.
There's no guarantee that moles won't return next spring, but there are impressive, immediate, and measurable benefits to doing mole control right away — and letting ARG Mole Removal, the mole extermination pros, do it for you!

CALL 604-ARG-MOLE (604-274-6653)


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